If your family needs additional services beyond food assistance, please contact our Navigation Services for more information on programs you or your family may qualify to enroll in. Our trained Navigators will evaluate your family’s needs and direct you to available programs.

Call for a free family evaluation.
Receive a referral to community programs.
Our Navigators will assist you in applying!*

Please call, email, or visit our office for more information:

Hours: Monday – Thursday, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
City of Houston Fifth Ward Multi-Service Center
4014 Market St
Houston, TX 77020

*Please note that Target Hunger Navigators will refer and assist in applying but acceptance into programs is not guaranteed. 

Receive assistance applying for monthly SNAP benefits
Uninsured? Get more information on enrolling in the above programs!
You may qualify for one-time payment assistance to help with bills!
Do you have a family doctor? We can help you find one!
Home repair programs for senior citizens.
Additional food assistance for seniors is also available!