Target Hunger’s Sunset Social was a hole-in-one, thanks to your support!
Our recent Sunset Social was a huge hit, and we had a great time gathering with you at East River 9. Guests had an opportunity to visit Houston’s newest premier golf and pickleball destination before it opened! The sunset views over downtown are not to be beat.
It was wonderful to gather in-person and see everyone as we enjoyed cocktails on the patio and watched participants play in our putting and closest-to-the-pin contests. We congratulated our contest and raffle winners, and heard from our Board Chair Demethra Orion. We are very grateful to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee for attending and presenting Target Hunger with a Certificate of Congressional Recognition.
Proceeds from the Sunset Social will provide the equivalent of over 45,000 meals. We are so grateful for your continued support to make a difference in our community.
Many thanks to our wonderful raffle donors!
Johnny Carrabba
Dr. Marcus D. & Audrey Marie Cosby
Thank you for feeding our community!