Target Hunger depends upon the support of the community to fulfill our mission. A vital aspect of that support is volunteerism. Each year, Target Hunger welcomes hundreds of volunteers who donate their time to help children, families, and seniors in need of food assistance. If you are interested in volunteering with Target Hunger, please register below.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Educational Food Fair
Before our clients can receive food, it must be sorted and packaged. Our main warehouse is where this all happens. Volunteers will help with the logistics of packing food to be distributed across our service area.
Community Garden
Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you want to share your passion for gardening with others? We welcome both novice and experienced gardeners to volunteer at our Garden. Volunteers work together to grow thousands of pounds of nutritious produce that is distributed through Target Hunger programs.

-J.M. Barrie

Thanks to our Sunny Saturday Sponsor!

Sunny Saturdays in the Garden
Do you enjoy working outdoors? Do you want to share your passion for gardening with others? At our Community Garden we grow a variety of fruits and vegetables. Volunteers work together to grow thousands of pounds of nutritious produce that is distributed through Target Hunger programs. Volunteering at the garden provides a fun, educational, and some would say a relaxing experience!
Spring Dates: March 8th, April 12th, May 10th
Mobile Pantry
Join us at Target Hunger’s mobile pantry to lend a helping hand! Volunteers will support our clients as they navigate their grocery shopping experience, from selecting items to helping carry groceries to their vehicles. We are seeking 1-2 individual volunteers to assist at the following mobile pantries:
- Hester House:
- 2020 Solo St. 77020
- 1st Tuesday from 9 am – 11 am
- Heritage House:
- 1025 Oates Rd. 77029
- 2nd Tuesday from 9 am – 11 am
- Row House:
- 2521 Holman St. 77004
- 3rd Tuesday from 9:30 am – 11 am
- The River:
- 970 Dell Dale Ave. 77530
- 4th Tuesday from 9 am – 11 am
A volunteer that would continuously come and volunteer would be ideal! If you are interested sign up for a Mobile Pantry Support event or email
Food Pantry
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Special Events
Special Events volunteers help staff support for special events and may be involved with guest registration, greeting and ushering guests, or participating in special hunger relief activities. This is a great way to be involved on a grand scale and help promote Target Hunger in the community.